Do you have a Child with Challenging Behaviour
Are you a Parent, Carer, Foster Carer, Guardian who would like to…

WalkwithMeUK has years of experience to equip Parents, Carers, Foster Carers and Guardians with strategies and tools to practically manage / break the cycle of challenges such as violent, aggressive, controlling, destructive behaviours from their children and young people (2yrs+) using the Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) approach to reduce conflict, regain love, empathy, respect and to keep families connected.
All of the above are often linked to child on parent or witnessing abuse and disputes, school exclusions and isolation, bullying, neuro diverse conditions eg. ADHD, Autism, Suicidal or Self harm threats, attempts or thoughts, Child Grooming, Criminal & Sexual exploitation and much more….
We aim to nurture, strengthen and rebuild relationships within families and communities creating healthier, harmonious environments to live in, in addition to enhancing ones development, as well as communicating more effectively and positively with services and professionals.

Innovative, Interactive

Feedback from Professionals
“I have two parents who recently completed the program with WalkWithMe in October 2023, graduated in November 2023. The dad especially, really benefited from attending the program. He shared that the program helped him connect not only with his step-son who he was having issues with but also with his other children, youngest being 5 years old. Professionals working with the family have seen a complete U-turn in the young persons behaviour at home and on the whole, the home environment is much more peaceful and happier!”
Senior Practitioner, Adolescent Team (February 2024)
“Croydon’s most vulnerable families really need this programme as we have very little support available to parents and their children so I do hope this programme will receive the recognition it deserves and the funding to continue supporting families”
Early Help Family Keyworker (February 2024)
Testimonies For Our Parent / Carer
Non-Violent Resistance (NVR) Programmes
”I’m already thinking about my actions when entering a discussion with my daughter now, and its changing, its been more harmonious in the house”
“I was pleased with the flow of the session and the similarities in the situation I am in and another attendee on the course”
“Great that I can prioritise what’s important to focus on in her behaviour”
“Really helpful session, prioritising how to react to behaviours and which behaviours are most important to be identified”
“Recognising the progress made during the course has been satisfying”
“I’ve learnt to show an act of kindness or love even when I’m 100% mad with her”
“Good session, I feel like I’m getting a better understanding of the key and core elements of the course and the changes that I need to implement and adapt too, thank you”
“I have tools now to fall back on and I am
practising to de-escalate daily which is so helpful”
“This programme has been life changing”
“It has been a miracle”
“My child is slowly opening up to me”
“Using the NVR tools has helped so much to manage my adopted son, thank you”
Professionals can refer parents and carers, individuals can also self-refer
Current & Past Partners / Funders